Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Change How You Think About Having A Smaller List Today

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Get at least 10 targeted people into your list everyday. In one month, it will grow until 300 people. Free Landscaping Design Programysaniq you maintain making money online for one year, your list will grow up to 3,600 people. One year to have that much is not bad at all. Why aim for the big Rent Office Furniture In Kansas35027 that will not bite, while the small fish is waiting in line just to get hook?

Whatever it is, to make money online, by hook or by crook you will need your own list. You will have to be patience to get that list everyday. Here are several tips that you can use to increase the number of your lists.

Test a short copy format for your landing page. Depending on the information offered, you may be better avoiding a long, grandiose sales page. Instead, stick to some important bullet points and make an attempt to fit at least 15% of the opt-in form above the fold, so visitors can at least guess that it is coming up. You will make money online easily this way.

Create 'viral' videos. Each of these videos should Discount Domestic Airfare98746 some type of specific tip about your business and should refer watchers back to your site. It Wedding Web Site Design2022 even be a good idea to display the URL of your opt-in list in the corner of each video. Find partners who are interested in showing these videos to their list members and site visitors. Most business partners want to make money online by having a great tool to show to their list.

Start the marketing funnel for your list at free. Accept everyone, including tire kickers and people who only have 3d Home Architect Reviewcicgrbte interest in your topic. From there, weed out the tire kickers from the serious buyers. Give your list members the Hot Tub Backyard Design Ideas50686 to upgrade to a higher-level membership, which offers more benefits or regular discounts.

Take what you have learned in this article and begin working now to get your own list. Just believe in yourself, you can make money online even with a smaller list. The trick is to take good care of your list all the time.

Izrul Fizal has made a living earning himself a residual income every month. Visit his website Make Student Airfare Rate81587 Online at and to find out how.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blogging for Fun and Profit

A blog is an online version of diary where people write and display almost anything - their opinions, photos, jokes, thoughts for the day and more. People also share stories about their pets, their passion for soccer, stamps... the limit is only your imagination!

In the last few years, blogging has emerged to become a much more meaningful activity than simply maintaining a personal diary. People use it to advertise their products and services, in fact, quite a number of companies even create their online presence by using a blog instead of a website.

Create Your Own Blog

Starting a blog is free. You can create one at - a free service from Google Inc. You don't need to register a domain name or buy hosting. When you sign up at Blogger, everything happens online. Your blog will be hosted by Blogger and you get an URL like You simply log in to your account and start to write. This is much easier and cheaper than buying your own domain and hosting, then hiring someone to do the web design, writing and coding.

Another free blogging service available online is WordPress which is also very popular and easy to use. WordPress supports more features than Blogger while allowing you to customize your blog with various plug-in. You can check it out at

Monetize Your Blog

While blogging for your own interest, you can in fact maximize the potential of your blog for many marketing or commercial purposes.

The quickest and easiest way to turn a blog into a money-making enterprise is to include advertising on your blog. This can be done with contextual ad programs like Adsense - an advertising program by Google. Basically, you get paid when people click on the ads displayed on your website or blog. Google Adsense program is free to sign up. You can visit to learn more about the rules and guidelines of the program. Other Adsense type ads that you can use for blog monetizing are SearchFeed, AdBrite, and Yahoo's Publishers Network (YPN).

Affiliate program is another potential way to make money blogging. By focusing on the subject of your blog post, you can promote relevant products from cost per sale affiliate programs like ClickBank and Amazon. You can write a review about the product or service with your affiliate links embedded inside so you get the commission whenever a sale is made.

Boost Your Blog Traffic

Blogs are quickly indexed by search engines, but you need to update it regularly. Search engines love fresh content and regular update will ensure that your website is indexed and ranked high up as well. The higher up it appears, the more traffic will come to your site, which means more sales. You can actively participate in forums discussion or post comments on other blogs to get more link back traffic.

Whether you use your blog for fun or for work, remember that its a highly potential tool any which way. So what are you waiting for? Start blogging away right now!

Lewis Low is the founding editor of For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at

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